Seeking Self Workshops
Seeking Self 3-day workshop is a fresh new approach to healing. As the name suggests, this weekend experience is designed to assist individuals in embracing their true, authentic self. it will transform those who strive to overcome life's obstacles and past pain that is holding them back from their inner joy. Held in sunny, beautiful Palm Beach County, Florida and staffed by experienced, licensed clinicians, Seeking Self compassionately guides adults in their journey back to themselves.
Seeking Self Workshops Address:
Past Painful Relationships
Family Origin issues
Codependent Behaviors
Repetitive Attraction to Unhealthy Partners
Adult Child of Dysfunctional Family Issues
Unresolved Trauma or Shame
Unhealthy Addictive Patterns
Self esteem
reoccurring feelings of “not good enough” and self doubt
Seeking Self Approach
"We are wounded in community so we must heal in community" a quote by Pia Melody.
Our approach is primarily based on the attachment theory. Inadequate or inappropriate attachment in early childhood affects a child in many ways. children alter their behaviors to adapt to dysfunction. It is a subconscious behavior, yet the behaviors continue in their adult life. These behaviors mask the true self, which can leave them struggling with low self esteem, feeling unworthy and not enough, self doubt, unfulfilling relationships and obsessive behaviors. Seeking Self clinicians do not look back into the childhood for blame - but for insight.
The clinicians will utilize many group modalities including experiential and psycho-drama work. This process helps the participant gain awareness through hands-on activities and experiences. healing the pain of the past and removing adaptations will allow you to live in the present. In addition to this technique, seeking Staff clinicians will focus on staying present by utilizing mindfulness training and meditations . Being present is a difficult for individuals in our society today. Practicing mindfulness and decreasing distractions will enhance their experience at the workshop as well as in their life.
Resiliency is the power or capacity to overcome adversity and to utilize resources to sustain their psychological, physical, and emotional well being. According to the National Suicide hotline, Resiliency is said to be at it's lowest. The Seeking Self Workshop has integrated Resiliency as part of our approach. We will educate and utilize Dialectical Behavioral therapy (DBT) to assist individuals with emotional regulation. We also believe in the power of change and implement this into the program. Our society is full of distractions which keep us from feeling discomfort. This program will be based on being mindful and present while feeling the discomfort.
"The hardest thing to do is start" Joe Goto
The Workshop times Friday 7:30am to 6pm
Saturday 8am to 6pm
Sunday 8am to 6pm
Participants will reside in their homes or they can reserve a hotel near by at their expense.
Each participant will have individual assignments that is mandatory to complete each evening outside of the group room
When: The Seeking Self 3-day Workshop occurs one weekend every month
Cost: 3,000.00 for the program, lunch each day, daily snacks, and program supplies
Where: 1825 Forest Hill Blvd, Suite 103, West Palm Beach, Florida
Please contact us to start your healing
Tonya Menz Pignato, LCSW
Kim Litton, LCSW
Amanda Mossing, LCSW, CAP, RYT
Shannon Thompson Jones, LCSW